Today I was assigned a very specific and tedious group project to complete over the weekend whilst my parents will be in town, and consequently I rediscovered that I cannot have any extra caffeine when I am on medication for ADD. Talk about being stressed enough, assigned a task requiring a lot of brain power with little time to access that brain power, now sprinkle in some extra stimulant- hello anxiety!!! 10/10 wouldn't recommend. Even still, this week has rendered me joyful and hopeful. I have pleaded with God for specific things like community and assurance of His presence and lemme tell ya, He is so faithful. The other day I was unusually early to my Psych lecture and I saw a girl I had noticed before, recalling that I wanted to be-friend her, and then I felt a gentle push to approach her. When I say a gentle push, obviously I don’t mean that God orchestrated for me to be physically nudged in her direction, but I felt a compelling rush to do something accompanied by the courage of the Holy Spirit to actually do it. We talked and the conversation was fine and dandy, but the point is not that He immediately granted my request and we became best friends at first sight, but that He reminded me that I am seen and heard. My prayers and pleas do not evaporate into thin air, but they are acknowledged by the God of the universe. John 1:50 says, “You believe because I told you I saw you under the fig tree. You will see greater things than that.”